定义s, Common Metrics, Business Rules, Standards

数据字典 has been created by 办公室 of Institutional Effectiveness as part of the Executive Decision Data Warehouse project in order to establish information context by documenting approved institutional definitions and metrics. 此工具提供:

  • Enterprisewide standardization and maintenance of the organization’s business definitions and business rules for data.
  • Dynamic information dictionary, a common definition of data structures, and the data content represented by component data elements
  • Enterprisewide decision support; provides the necessary data integration for effective cross-business unit analysis.

All departments should adhere to the agreed upon institutional definition and metrics for institutional reporting to meet the administration’s demand for consistency and accuracy in reporting.

的 办公室 of Institutional Effectiveness manages the annual review of this document to verify that the definitions and metrics are still accurate. Departmental data managers are asked to review and recommend revisions during the summer prior to the next reporting year.

Dictionary use: Finding a term or definition

This document was created in Excel to provide a search capability. Using the “Data --> Sort” function in Excel, users can highlight the entire worksheet and then search for the term by sorting on either 术语 or .


的 Meta 数据字典 has been created so users may search for definitions and metrics by various column headings:


  • A. Senior 领导团队 Metric
    • Identifies definitions and/or metrics deemed important to reporting for Senior 领导团队 with several definitions having been approved by the administration. Changes to these terms will not be made without OIEF approval.
  • B. 术语
    • 的 common word or phrase.
  • C. 外部定义
    • Some definitions are created by external sources and if this is the case, the source is listed here. If this field is blank, then SPU created the definition for the term for internal reporting purposes. 的re may be more than one definition for a term, so users of the Meta 数据字典 need to understand which definition to use.
  • D. 维
    • Common business dimensions. 维s currently used in this document are 招生, 课程, 学位, 员工, 教师, 金融, 金融援助, 公式, 住房, 报告, 学生, 和时间.
  • E. 定义
    • Explains the term or the metric.
  • F. 定义的来源
    • Provides the source used to create the definition.
  • G. 链接(年代)
    • Link or links to websites with more information on complex terms.
  • H. 办公室 Responsible for Annual Review
    • 的 department or office responsible for annually reviewing the term and providing any updates mandated by government agencies, 外部调查, or University administration.
  • I. 最后一次修改
    • Month-date-year of the last change.


Can’t find what you’re looking for? 让赌博十大靠谱软件知道. (For computer-related questions, contact Computer and Information Systems).

To request a new, or to modify an existing, term in 数据字典, click button below. Choose “DataDictionary” 在类别. OIEF will work with all related parties and finalize any decision within one month.